Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I'm not certain of the weather outside.  Will it be cold or will it be scorching hot?  Will it rain or will it be dry outside.  Not knowing what the weather is like outside, I brought along an orange (I also have it in a grey color) zipper up hooded sweatshirt, a blue rain coat and an umbrella.  Now then, if I had a car, then such gear would be left either in the back seat or in the trunk.  But not having a car and I'm always getting my bike tires popped by invincible faceless forces of nature that can't be stopped or slowed down, I have to carry such gear everywhere I go.  So I try to travel light while trying to be prepared for whatever outdoor weather possiblity.  It's better to be careful rather than to be reckless.
And as I'm lost in thought about why feminism never reached Camp Crystal lake, here are some photos of Katie Holmes.


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