Friday, May 31, 2013


Will it rain?  The sky was blue earlier, but now it's clouds is starting to appear.  I don't have an umbrella.  So if it does rain, I'll be walking home from work in the rain.  However, if it doesn't rain, then I won't be walking home from work in the rain.  I'd be riding my bike, but I kept getting flat tires way too often for comfort lately and I can't afford my bike riding ability.  I'm waiting for whatever impossible to defeat force of nature that's making it impossible for me to ride a bike to calm itself down before I consider riding a bike again.  I'm sure that whatever impossible to defeat force of nature that's impossible to ride my bike will fade away given time.  Yeah, I rode my bike through the rain too.  It's hard to hold an umbrella when riding a bike.  Still, riding a bike makes the journey much faster to accomplish.  So I'm only soaked by rain for a much smaller percent of the time.  Well, it's not raining right now.  The Gentle Reader and I will find out what the weather is like later on.  And if it does rain, I'm thankfull that I mowed the lawn earlier today while the sky was still bright blue in color.
And as I'm lost in thought about the possiblity of rain falling, here are some photos of Jessica Chastain.

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