Monday, June 3, 2013


And so the morning ends and is replaced by the afternoon hours.  And evening will arrive very shortly.  And so the cycle of life continues.  The sky is a warm shade of blue.  Not much clouds that I can see.  There's a slight chill in the air, but it's still warm and feels like Summer.  It's a calm day filled with house cleaning and Internet surfing.  There's not much time left to go swimming in the nearby outdoor swimming pool.  It's now the Summer.  Spring is just as much a distant memory as the Winter ended up becoming.  And yes, the Winter will return again, but not right away.  Right now is the starting point for Summer.  Right now, the world is a lot warmer and the outdoor tempreture is a little bit hotter than a few weeks ago.  And even though Summer won't be around for an estended period of time, it feels good when the Summer does make an appearance.
And as I'm lost in thought in the opening days of Summer, here are some photos of Demi Lovato.

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