Friday, June 28, 2013


And if the rain does fall, I'll be ready.  I have my umbrella, but I don't have a rain coat.  Yeah, it would be beter if I had both an umbrella and a rain coat.  Sadly, I didn't think that far in advance.  I only had an umbrella and nothing else.  And if the rain does fall, I'll be ready.  It was supposed to rain all week, though it only rained closer to the the evening or throughout the evening.  Which means, that I only have a few hours left before the possible rain does fall---If it actually falls at all.  The future is never set into stone, however the weather tends to be much easier to predict than human behavior.  And if the rain does fall, I'll be ready.  It's great to see the rain nourish the land and make the vegetation green once again.
And as I'm lost in thought while typing this sentence on the computer, here are some photos of Destiny Hope Cyrus aka Miley Cyrus.

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