Friday, June 28, 2013


So what happens now?  I wish I could predict the weather, but I only have a rough idea what will happen next.  It might rain.  It might be dry.  Rain is more predictable.  I don't know much about my future and destiny beyond today though.  I hope my life turns out to be filled with hope, optimism and wonder.  I would enjoy having a life filled with hope, optimism and wonder.  The clock continues to move forward.  The time available grows smaller.  And I find myself forty-four years old and I've gotten too old for screwing up.  I never had the chance to screw up and my life turned out much better because of it.  I always took pride in being as squeeky clean and wholesome as possible.  And as I'm lost in thought as I eat a slice of cheese, here are some photos of Rita Ora. 



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