Friday, June 14, 2013


And so I'm in the library again.  I'm reading books.  I'm typing on the Internet.  I'm looking out of the window.  I'm feeling calm and relaxed.  It's cloudy, but rain isn't expected to fall until tomorrow.  I look around me and there's rows and rows of bookcases holding books.  Books is the single greatest invention humanity has ever created.  Knowledge is crucial.  With knowledge, a voter can make an imformed choice when electing a public official.  With knowledge, a person can know if what somebody is saying is the truth.  With knowledge, a  person can advance a career.  And the best way to aquire that knowledge is in the public library.  Normally, I'd be including bookstores too, but there isn't any bookstores in Cleveland, Ohio (beyond racks of books in thrift stores).  There once was bookstores in Cleveland, Ohio and then Borders Bookstore went out of business.  With nobody filling the void, the library is all that's left for books to go.  And so here I am in the public library reading a book and surfing the Internet at a computer terminal. 
And as I'm lost in thought while reading a book, here are some photos of Cara Delevingne.

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