Friday, June 14, 2013


Death porn is the highly questionable entertainment industry film genre in which fictional people die for the sole exclusive purpose of producing a sexual orgasm.  Take the film Leprechaun for instance.  Jennifer Aniston refuses to have sexual intercourse with a horrible acting midget.  So the horrible acting midget named Leprechaun (Because he's a midget serial killer dressed up like a leprechaun) decides to murder Jennifer Aniston as punishment for not having sexual intercourse with him.  That will teach Jennifer Aniston a lesson that she'll never forget.  Not even being the daughter of Days of Our Lives main villain actor John Aniston is going to save Jennifer Aniston from being attacked by a serial killing midget and stuffed in a body bag for not seeking midget sex enthusiastically enough (Hey, actresses who are desperate for an acting job can't afford to pick and chose film roles).  And Jennfier Aniston is both horrified and sexually attracted to the idea of being attacked and killed by a serial killing midget dressed up like a leprechaun because she tried to steal his pot of gold.  Needless to say, Leprechaun is the perfect death porn horror film to watch on St. Patrick's Day with the lights turned low and a bowl of popcorn nearby.




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