Thursday, June 20, 2013


Gentle Reader, there are several different ways to go climbing.  The Gentle Reader can climb the stairs.  The Gentle Reader can climb a ladder.  The Gentle Reader can climb a mountain.  The Gentle Reader can climb over rubble and debris.  The effort to go climbing can be successfull.  The effort to go climbing can be unsuccessfull.  However, most people would rather be successful at something.  However, if the Gentle Reader wants to attempt to climb something and fail at it on purpose, then the Gentle Reader is free to do so.  However, it would be better if the Gentle Reader were to climb something and actually succeed at it.  I don't have anything to climb over right now so I guess I'll watch somebody else go climbing instead.
And as I'm lost in thought while eating a bowl of rice, here are some photos of Jennifer Love Hewitt.

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