Thursday, June 20, 2013


Gentle Reader, it's not a good idea to fly without a parachute.  The Gentle Reader is allowed to fly if a handglider is available.  The Gentle Reader is allowed to fly if an airplane or a helicopter is available.  However, humans can't fly on their own.  Try and try as they might, humans were never intended to unaided flight without the use of a machine, handglider or a parachut.  I never jumped out of an airplane with a parachut.  I never flew using a handglider.  I have flown in an airplane, but I never flew in a helicopter.  Well, I didn't have the chance to fly by airplane recently.  Still, I have flown in an airplane in the past.  Perhaps I'll fly by airplane someday later in the future, but I might have to wait a bit longer for that to happen.
And as I'm lost in thought while watching birds fly across the sky, here are some photos of Willa Holland.

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