Monday, June 24, 2013


AnnaLynne McCord loves to ride her bicycle.  Yes, she also owns a car, but bikes are also a fun method of transportation.  And with the sun is shinning and the sky is blue, the Summer is a season that's perfect for a bike ride.  And so after a filling breakfast, it was time for Annalynne to ride her bike because it's a method of transportation that both fun and a great form of exercise.

And there was a purpose for AnnaLynne McCord to ride her bike.  Because her ultimate destination is the beach.  It took only a few minutes for AnnaLynne to go to the changing room to switch from her street clothes and into her bathing suit.  And now AnnaLynne McCord is ready to go swimming at the beach.  And soon she'll be splashing as she swims across the water.  And the extreme heat is made more bearable by her being underwater for a few minutes.  AnnaLynne McCord loves to swim almost as much as she enjoys riding her bike.  And the bathing suit she's wearing is one of her favorite bathing suits of all time.  And after swimming in the Pacific Ocean for a few minutes, AnnaLynne McCord enjoys resting on her back as she lay down and looked at the bright blue sky.  Because today is Summer.  Summer is perfect for relaxing moments like this.

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