Friday, June 7, 2013


Before we start, here are some publicity shots of Scarlett Johansson all dressed up as Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow.

Anyway, on with the rest of this Internet Blog.
Let's go back to the 1940's.  Captain Steve Rogers aka Captain America started off as a scrawny nerd with no hope or prospects and he always got beaten up by United States of America hating bullies.  Then came along Howard Stark aka the 1940's version of Iron Man who made Steve Rogers the first (and only) successful Captain America super-soldier experiment.  And to promote his new super-soldier experiment, Howard Stark aka the 1940's version of Iron Man placed Captain Steve Rogers in as the newest member of the Howling Commandos to fight against Johann Schmidt aka the Red Skull.  And for a time, Captain America and the Howling Commandos was unbeatable.
And one of the Howling Commandos soldiers was a normal human being named Bucky Barnes.  Captain Steve Rogers aka Captain America and Bucky Barnes was close friends and crime fighting allies during their time together in the Howling Commandos.

Then Captain Steve Rogers was frozen in a block of ice while killing Johann Schmidt aka the Red Skull.  And when he woke up, Howard Stark is dead and replaced by Tony Stark as the latest version of Iron Man.  All of the Howling Commandos are either elderly and died of natural causes or too elderly to keep fighting the good fight against the enemies of the United States of America.  And then there's Bucky Barnes who now has Captain America super-soldier abilities that are equal to Captain Steve Rogers' super-powered abilities.  And Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier has a cyborg arm with a Russian Communist star etched on it.  And Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Solder is psychotic and obsessed with punishing Captain Steve Rogers for the crime of wanting to be his friend in the 1940's.  And Bucky Barnes is so filled with rage with the way Captain Steve Rogers led the Howling Commandos in the 1940's that he wants Captain Steve Rogers to die and stay dead, but that can't happen because Captain Steve Rogers is immortal.  And now Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier is so filled with rage against his former friend and Howling Commandos platoon coworker that he instigates a fist fight to the death agaisnt his former friend turned mortal arch-enemy.


Then everything goes to heck in a handbasket.


 Not to worry, because Captain Steve Rogers aka Captain America is here to save the day.
Fun fact:  originally, the Invaders were supposed to help out Chris Evans as Captain America in the entire second half of Captain America:  The First Avenger.  However, there were problems with the original script (Which Chrs Evans probably never received) that needed to be changed.
The invaders was composed of Captain America, Johnny Storm aka the Human Torch and Namor McKenzie  aka Namor the Sub-Mariner ---Two of those characters were both performed by Chris Evans at one point or another.  Yeah, it would be difficult for Chris Evans to perform as two out of three crucial teammate characters---Both Captain Steve Rogers aka Captain America and as Johnny Storm aka the Human Torch.  And with that in mind, the Howling Commandos were used instead of the originally wanted to be used the Invaders.  Plus the film Captain America:  Winter Soldier would've been a different type of film altogether.  Plus, Hollywood would never get to use comic book stories such as below.


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