Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Gentle Reader, when rain starts to fall, there is one thing you'll hope that you never see.  If a weird guy with a weird looking beard that goes all the way down to his knees is gathering two of every animal to be put inside his giant house boat that he got parked in the middle of dry land, then you must be afraid.  Be very afraid.  It only means that there's going to be forty days and forty nights of non-stop rain resulting in a flood that will destroy everything except what's inside the weird guy's houseboat parked in the middle of dry land.  Not even the dinosaurs will survive what will happen next.  Of coure, not every rain storm will be as catastrophic as what was experienced by Noah in the book of Genesis.  Fun fact, Noah also shows up in Mesopotanian (Later called Babylon and later Iraq) mythology under the name Atra-Hasis, also under the name Ziusudra and also under the name Utnapishtim in tablet XI in the Epic of Gilgamesh.  So perhaps there really was a gigantic Middle Eastern flood based on the story of Noah showing up in four seperate unrelated ancient mythology stories and carved on clay and stone tablets.
And as I'm lost in thought while the rain starts to fall, here are some photos of Annasophia Robb.

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