Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I looked out of the window and the grey sky is gone.  Does this means that it stopped raining?  Wow, that's quick.  I was expecting almost nearly a week of rain and it stopped after only a few minutes.  The Gentle Reader should've seen the sky.  The sky was grey and I saw lightening flash across the sky.  And now the sky is a lighter shade of white a few patches of blue here and there.  I guess the portion of the sky that had a thunderstorm contained within was much smaller than expected.  So there wasn't a need to bring an umbrella after all.  Well, it's still expected to rain and bringing an umbrella is still important when the Gentle Reader and I looks at it that way. 
And as I'm lost in thought as rain stops falling from the skies, here are some photos of Lily Collins.

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