Monday, June 3, 2013


I'm forty-five (45) years old.  I'll be sixty-two (62) years old on the year 2030.  I already have white hair on my head on dotting my mustache.  I'm not getting younger (Though I often wish I would).  And with age comes maturity and responsiblity.  I'm too old to be making horrific mistakes that takes decades to atone for because I no longer have large number of decades left.  I only have fifty-fivve years left before I turn one hundred years old and I need to make sure all fifty-five of those years counts for something. 
Yeah, I'm not perfect.  I stumble and fall with the best of the rest.  And there are times when I wish I were perfect, I know that's impossible.  Not even GOD is perfect (Though there are often claims to the contrary).  I'm only five years away from reaching middle age.  In other words, I'm only five years away from having half of my life completed with another fifty years left to go. 
And as I'm lost in thought while looking at a clock, here are some photos of Ellie Goulding.

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