Sunday, July 21, 2013


Life is never predictable.  Life is never predestined.  Life is a blank page waiting to be written on.  And the path of life is decided on by the Gentle Reader and myself.  If the Gentle Reader and I chose a life of danger and recklessness, then the Gentle Reader and I gets the consequences that the two of us deserve.  If the Gentle Reader and I chose a life of humanity, treating everybody as equals and of strong positive morals, then the Gentle Reader and I gets the consequences the two of us shall be rewarded.  Every nation gets the leader that they deserve.  Every nation gets the salvation and the rescuer that they deserve.  And if a nation doesn't want to be lead by a psycho, then they have it within themselves to improve.  With luck, all nations will be lead by a positive humanitarian someday.  And with luck, that day will be someday soon.  However, I don't believe in the Book of Revelations.  Salvation won't come through war, fire and brimstone.  Salvation only comes through the accomplishment of world peace.
And as I'm lost in thought on the scorching hot days of Summer, here are some photos of Leslie Mann

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