Sunday, July 21, 2013


Can you hear it Gentle Reader?  The birds are chirping again.  I'm not sure what type of song the birds are singing when they're chirping on the tree branches over there.  What I do know is that the birds are chirping a tune of some sort.  And if I could speak the language of birds, I'll know what message the birds are trying to communicate when they chirp on the tree branches over there.  And lacking the knowledge of the language of the chirping birds, I can only make guesses.  And with luck, the guesses I make about what the birds are trying to communicate when the chirp on the tree branch over there will be the correct guess.  For it's always wonderful when the birds chirp their song.  Ah yes, the language of the chirping birds makes life amazing and fantastic.
And as I'm lost in thought on the scorching hot days of Summer, here are some photos of Cameron Diaz.


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