Tuesday, July 2, 2013


My Mom purchased me a bicycle.  It's a new bicycle from K-Mart.  It's never have been rode before.  The bike tires was fine when my brand new bicycle just got purchased.  AND NOW I CAN'T RIDE IT!  DOES THE GENTLE READER WANT TO KNOW THE REASON WHY?  BECAUSE DARK INVINCIBLE FORCES THAT CAN'T BE STOPPED IS SO DETERMINED TO NEVER ALLOW ME TO RIDE A BIKE, THAT BIKE TIRES ARE ALWAYS GETTING DEFLATED.  So now I'm stuck with yet another bike destined for the junk yard.  I'm always purchasing or having other people purchase me bikes so that some dark invincible force of nature can keep popping bike tires and wrecking the rear wheels of brand new bikes purchased at K-Mart so that it will end up in the junk yard at record time.  So now I'm stuck having to walk by foot everywhere because some dark invincible force of nature has decided for me that I'm never allowed vehicle transportation---Not even of the bicycle variety.  Dark invincible forces of nature that has decided for me that I'm never allowed to ride a bike refuses to compromise or listen to reason and always triumphs against me.  Walking by foot is slow, but it's the only option that I have available.  I might as well learn to live with it.
And as I'm lost in thought as another bicycle gets yet another flat tire, here are some photos of Rashida Jones.

Rashida Jones, Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber

Rashida Jones and Cindy Crawford

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