Tuesday, July 2, 2013


And the rain fell.  I could see the rain fall from the living room window.  I was inside the living room watching television when the rain fell.  It wasn't a huge rain storm, but it wasn't a light rain storm either.  The rain storm was a bit more of the medium sort of variety.  And now the rain stopped falling.  And the grass is wet after the falling rain.  I didn't need to use an umbrella when the rain fell since I was indoors.  If I were outdoors, then I would've needed an umbrella.  However, that wasn't the case since I was indoors.  It was evening when the rain started to fall.  It was still evening when the rain stopped falling.  Night will continue to cover the Earth for a few more hours.  Morning will arrive soon, but the Gentle Reader and I must wait a few hours longer. 
And as I'm lost in thought after the rain fell, here are some photos of Cher Lloyd.


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