Thursday, September 12, 2013


It's a cloudy day and it might rain.  And if it rains while I'm outside, I'll wear a poncho as I try to peddle my bike between the raindrops.  However, if it doesn't rain while I'm outside, then I'll make sure that I'm using plenty of sun screen.  I'm inside right now so it's ok if it rains.  However, if it rains while I'm inside and I chose to ride my bike outside, then I'll get myself wet (I will have a poncho available).  If it doesn't rain while I'm inside and I chose to ride my bike outside, then I'll be nice and dry (And using lots of sun screen).  The Gentle Reader and I will find out what happens in the seconds, minutes and hours to come.
And as I'm lost in thought under the cloudy sky, here are some photos of Mia Wasikowska.

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