Thursday, September 12, 2013


Eccentric Irish rock star Sinead O'Connor is an ordained Catholic Priest employed by the Church of England Catholic Church and taking orders from Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Portal Welby (The Church of England's version of the Catholic Pope and having the same political status as the Catholic Pope).  However, her religious beliefs go far beyond Catholicism to include Rastafari, Hinduism, Muslim and Judiasm.  However, being an ordained Catholic Priest isn't stopping Sinead O'Connor from getting tattoos nor is being an ordained Catholic Priest stopping her from going out on dates.  Her latest tattoos are etched on her cheeks in red ink.  On one cheek is the letter B and on her other cheek is the letter Q.  After investigating the mystery, the initials B and Q was revealed to belong to a guy named Brendan Quinlan.  However, what happens to the initials (And Sinead O'Connor's cheeks) if the romance between Sinead O'Connor and Brendan Quinlan falls apart.  Let's hope (For Sinead O'Connor's cheeks sake) that true love lasts longer than a few days.

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