Thursday, September 5, 2013


It's getting closer to midnight.  The clock keeps ticking forward regardless of my feelings.  And in the end, the truth stays close while the illusion eventually fades away.  And try as the Gentle Reader and I to cling to the illusion, it's the truth that eventually stays all the more.  Right now, it's the crickets that's holding court outside as they sing their sweet song.  And the song of the crickets is something that only the crickets can possible understand.  And yet, despite not knowing the language of the crickets, I'm starting to enjoy their music anyway.  And the clock keeps moving forward.  Midnight is getting closer and closer.  And the question isn't whether or not Midnight will arrive because it will arrive.  The question is whether I'm ready for the Midnight and the truth is that I am ready.
And as I'm lost in thought as night covers the land, here are some photos of Lisa Loeb.

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