Thursday, September 5, 2013


Contrary to popular belief, Elizabeth Berkley's career in the entertainment industry didn't end with the stripper porn film Showgirls.  But rather, she mostly kept a low profile doing smaller scale lead female roles in small film productions and supporting roles in larger scale films.  And she kept herself busy doing reality television game shows such as the current season of Dancing With the Stars.  Elizabeth Berkley's most recent film role was in 2011 with the television film Lucky Christmas and she hasn't done any acting at all for the years 2012 and 2013.  Still, I'm certain that Elizabeth Berkley will continue to survive the Showgirls curse as best she can.  Sooner or later, the general public will forget and forgive that she ever stared in a stripper porn film that was a catastrophic failure in the box office.  There's more to Elizabeth Berkley's diverse film career than simply the box office stripper porn flop Showgirls even though that curse followed her around too much.  With the reality television game show Dancing with the Stars, Elizabeth Berkley will show off how multi-talented she truly is.  And perhaps, she'll get another acting job out of it.

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