Monday, October 21, 2013


Human life isn't to be taken lightly.  Human life isn't a bargaining chip to negotiate away for corporate profits or political gain.  Human life isn't to be tossed away simply to advance a storyline for a television show.  Human life isn't to be tossed out merely for crimes of heresy.  Killing somebody for crimes of heresy ruins and misses the point for having an organized form of religion in the first place.  Religion isn't there to establish categories of haves and isn't allowed to have.  Religion isn't there to legalize bigotry, racism and reverse racism.  Religion isn't there to legalize genocide.  And GOD isn't going to send anybody to Hell simply because they don't have the same religious beliefs that you do.  All religions are splintered variations of the same religious beliefs.  Yeah, the religious ritual is different.  The sacred books are different.  The names of GOD is different.  Yet, all religions ultimately end up in the same exact spot in the end.  And it's a shame that few people ever seem to realize that fact. 
And as I'm lost in thought about philosophy, here are some photos of Bella Heathcote.

Bella Heathcote and writer Andrew Dominik

Bella Heathcote

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