Friday, October 4, 2013


I just remembered what date Memorial Day is on.  Memorial Day is celebrated each and every May 26.  Well, it goes without saying that four months have come and gone since Memorial Day 2013 has been observed and became memories of the past.  And what was once a future event has now became one of many memories of the past that I carry around everywhere I go.  Unless I suddenly suffer from amnesia upon which it won't be a memory of the past that I carry around everywhere I go.  However, I'm not counting on suffering from amnesia anytime soon.  And it goes without saying that Memorial Day 2013 has been mostly uneventful.  Not that I was expecting something eventful happening on Memorial Day 2013.  It was a lazy Summer day for me to remember as Summer now slowly evolves into Autumn and Autumn slowly evolves into Winter.
And as I'm lost in thought regarding the change of the seasons, here are some photos of Gwyneth Paltrow.


Gwyneth Paltrow and Liv Tyler

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