Friday, October 4, 2013


I'm still waiting for fame and fortune to arrive.  I'm still employed as a minimum wage earning janitor.  The only changes that occurred in my life involved relocating from Cleveland, Ohio to Columbus, Ohio.  But I've been living in the state of Ohio since 1990 and efforts to depart from this state never seems to succeed.  Fate and destiny keeps me glued to the state of Ohio.  And whatever I'm supposed to accomplish in the state of Ohio still hasn't been completed.  Because if what I was supposed to accomplish in the state of Ohio actually was accomplished, I wouldn't still be glued to the state of Ohio.  Don't get me wrong, Ohio is a great state to be living in.  Cleveland, Ohio and Columbus, Ohio are great cities to be living in.  I enjoy minimum wage employment as a janitor in a big chain restaurant.  We all have to start somewhere.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Buckeye State, here are some photos of Emma Watson.

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