Friday, October 4, 2013


What is the date for Memorial Day?  Does Memorial Day start somewhere in October.  And if Memorial Day is on October, then does Memorial Day begin before or after Halloween.  And if Memorial Day takes place before or after Halloween, then does trick or treating counts as a Memorial Day observance ritual?  We have Veterans Day, Patriot Day, Memorial Day and some other day to pay tribute to those who died in wars.  It's easy to lose track of the date location for all four.  I do believe that Patriot Day is the newest of the four and is located on September 11 and pays tribute to the destruction of the World Trade Center.  I'm drawing a blank about the date location of the other three holidays paying tribute to those who died in wars.  Try to keep in mind that the United States of America is the only country that mentions bombs bursting in air as lyrics in it's National Anthem.  All the other countries talk about peaceful things like flowers, trees and national pride.  America's national anthem is about beating up the British and enjoying every minute of it.
And as I'm lost in thought about being lost in thought because I don't know the date for Memorial Day, here are some photos of Olga Kurylenko.

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