Friday, October 4, 2013


Gentle Reader, what do you think is better to spread on toast.  Is butter better than jelly on toast.  Is jelly better than butter on toast.  Is butter and jelly better then only just butter or only just jelly on toast.  The future of breakfast is depending on the answer.  One change in the answer could alter the future of breakfast towards a direction that's uncertain and unknown.  So a research committee will be needed to study if butter instead of jelly, jelly instead of butter or butter and jelly should be spread on toast.  And this research committee should take close to five years on back breaking work trying to figure out the answer and offer recommendations.  Then a second committee should spend another five years coming up with the answer based on the recommendations of the first committee.  Only then can I offer an answer to the Gentle Reader.
And as I'm lost in thought while indecisive about a recently toasted slice of bread, here are some photos of Jennifer Lawrence.

Amy Adams

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