Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Well, in case I need to go on a vacation, then a suitcase will be needed.  But who needs a suitcase filled with clothes, grooming supplies and a bunch of other useless stuff.  Heck no.  The next time I'm going on a vacation and I need to pack my suitcase in preparation for my vacation, I'll pack Destiny Hope Cyrus aka Miley Cyrus in my suitcase instead.
Of course, since I never actually met Miley Cyrus face to face, convincing her to step inside my suitcase so I could pack her up for my trip would take a lot of convincing.  But I'm sure I could persude her to spend a few hours inside my suitcase.  And at the end of the airplane flight, Miley Cyrus will be thankful that she came along for my vacation getaway to somewhere beyond the United States.  Miley and I will spend a few days inside a hotel before taking her to a party to meet some people.  And that's where packing Miley Cyrus in my suitcase really starts paying off.


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