Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Bright Green isn't bright enough to be seen in the dark.  That's the lesson I learned from the Driver of a Mini Van who insisted on driving alongside me.  And the Driver of the Mini Van insisted on this long drawn out lecture that I need to wear a bright orange vest as well as a bright green coat when peddling in the dark of early morning.  And after this long drawn out lecture through an open window while the mini van was still on motion, the mini van drove off towards destination unknown.  Ah yes, it's fun when road rage turns out to be color blind.  At any rate, I reached my destination in one piece.  Road rage against bicycle riders only happens when it's dark outside in Columbus, Ohio.  Road rage against bicycle riders happens in both night and day regardless of the hour in Cleveland, Ohio.  And I'm living in Columbus, Ohio and bright green blends in with the dark of early morning way too effectively.  Well, each day is a chance to learn a brand new lesson about life. 
And as I'm lost in thought as I peddle my bike down the road, here are some photos of Emma Roberts.




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