Friday, October 25, 2013


It's hard to imagine what life was like before television.  Television is more than something that the Gentle Reader and I sit down in front of.  The computer monitor screen is nothing more than a glorified television set.  It's not the type of television set that actually works as a television (Unless the Gentle Reader and I are watching something on  And cell phone as a small television screen-like monitor to allow for Internet surfing and texting.  Oh yes, technology has advanced to such an extent that a television screen-like monitor can be placed on a wrist watch.  Yesterday's science fiction fantasy has become reality---Only to an extent.  I'm still waiting for the flying cars that Back to the Future Part Two claimed was going to be a part of the year 2015---Only one year and two months away from now.
And as I'm lost in thought about television, here are some photos of   Taryn Manning.


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