Saturday, October 26, 2013


And so I continue to type out this Internet blog.  And if something huge happens, then such an event will be recorded in this Internet blog for everybody to bear witness to.  And if something was supposed to happen, but never happens for some unknown reason, then this Internet blog will bear witness to that to.  And if nothing was supposed to happen, but something does happen then that will be cool with me.  And if nothing was supposed to happen and nothing happens, then this Internet blog will be an Internet blog about nothing.  And it's ok to write an Internet blog about nothing.  There doesn't have to be huge eventful moments going on all the time when the average common everyday moments is all that takes place.  There is wonder and perfection in average common everyday moments too. 
And it's getting colder outside.  Autumn is nearing it's end and soon Winter will arrive.  I'm thankful that Winter here in Columbus, Ohio tends to be mild.  That makes my life so much easier.  Less time spent shoveling the driveway and more time indoors where it's warmer.
And as I'm lost in thought as I wait for the snow to fall, here are some photos of Miley Cyrus.


Leticia "Tish" Cyrus and her daughter Miley Cyrus

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