Monday, November 11, 2013


Emma Roberts wasn't sure if she was being followed.  She always had the suspicion that she was being followed.  She could easily be grabbed and dragged off in a car by some weird acting people at any moment.  However, Emma Roberts wasn't worried because she had a can of mace in her purse.  And anybody will tell you that a girl with a can of mace in her purse is the safest girl in town.

Somebody that Emma Roberts was supposed to go out on a date with has been seriously messed up.  Emma Roberts tried to provide medical assistance, but the blood soaked wounds were already too far gone.  So she shrugged her shoulders and left the blood soaked fool behind to die from unknown injuries that she never took the time to learn about.
Emma Roberts found an alligator.  Emma Roberts found an alligator.  Hey everybody, Emma Roberts found an alligator today.  Isn't that wonderful.  Emma Roberts found herself a brand new pet animal.  Can she keep it?  Can she keep it?  Can she keep it?  Please?  Can she keep it? 

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