Monday, November 11, 2013


The world will be waking up soon.  People will be drinking coffee soon.  People will be driving their cars around town soon.  Not yet.  It's still morning part of the night.  Or rather, it's the night part of the morning.  Whatever the case may be, most people are asleep right now.  But not me.  However, soon it will be me too.  The world seems silent and still from my view.  I know it's not the case in other cities, but I'm in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio right now.  And the world goes to sleep at this hour in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio.  It's almost Winter.  It's currently Autumn.  Summer has gone away, but Summer will return again.  Just be patient.  Summer will make an appearance once more with a little bit of patience.
And as I'm lost in thought on this cold Autumn day, here are some photos of Sara Sampaio.

Sara Sampaio, Emily DiDonato and Elsa Hosk
Elsa Hosk and Emily DiDonato
 Elsa Hosk

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