Sunday, November 3, 2013


I'm not trying to ruin anybody's enjoyment of the film Ender's Game.  So if you didn't see the film and don't want to ending spoiled, then consider yourself warned.  Essentially, Andrew "Ender" Wiggin was told that he was only doing a training simulator.  And since he thought he was doing a training simulator, he thought nothing about wiping out 95% of his fellow army brothers-in-arms in a suicide attack that ended up wiping out 95% of an non-human alien species called the Buggers that was waging war against the human race.  I mean, cleaning each and every Bugger inhabited world and everything.  And Andrew "Ender" Wiggins used virtual reality simulator to wipe out a non-human alien species for patriotism and as it turned out corporate greed. 
In later novels that has yet to be filmed by Hollywood (This is a multi-novel franchise), Andrew "Ender" Wiggins tries to apologize for the genocide by saying that he thought it was a training simulator video game and he wiped out 95% of an non-human alien species by accident.  He then resigns  from the United States Armed Forces to become the Holy Man for the Bugger Non-Human Extra-Terrestrial Species called the Speaker of the Dead.  Andrew "Ender" Wiggins later rejects his human body to become a Bugger himself to save the remaining 5% of the Bugger non-human extra-terrestrial species.  Keep in mind, the Speaker of the Dead part of the Andrew "Ender" Wiggins story has yet to be filmed.
Compare that to the film Avatar in which Jake Sully was hired by the United States Armed Forces to use virtual reality training simulator to wipe out a non-human extra-terrestrial species.  Jake Sully goes mad and betrays the United States Armed Forces.  He then becomes a holy man for the non-human extra-terrestrial species.  His girlfriend, Trudy Chacón, dies in a helicopter crash so that Jake Sully can be free to reject his human body to become a non-human extra-terrestrial species. 
So in other words, Ender's Game is a variation of the film Avatar---In a mostly yet-to-be-filmed sort of manner.
And as I'm lost in thought while watching motion pictures, here are some photos of Renee Zellweger.


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