Monday, November 4, 2013


Well Daylight Saving Time is now in the past.  Winter is quickly becoming the future.  Summer is now a memory.  Snow hasn't fallen yet.  The tree leaves are still in the process of changing color and falling from the trees.  Soon it will be Thanksgiving.  Beyond that is Christmas and New Years Day.  The big three holidays of the year is almost here.  And as I'm bundled in Winter coats and moving around town on my bicycle, I enjoy the change of seasons.  Yeah, traveling my bike takes longer than traveling by car.  However, I can't afford my car driving ability so traveling by bicycle is the best alternative right now.  Someday I'll take driving lessons, but right now I'm getting lots of exercise when I travel by bicycle.
And as I'm lost in thought as Autumn gets closer and closer, here are some photos of Selena Gomez.


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