Friday, December 20, 2013


Five days until Christmas.  Eleven days until New Years Day.  The year 2014 is getting closer.  Yeah, it's a slow crawl, but the year 2014 will arrive.  Time to get the New Years Day 2014 resolutions written out.  Whatever plans is needed to be activated only in the year 2013, time is quickly running out and won't be restored.  Not to place the Gentle Reader under extreme pressure, but the clock is unforgiving.  The clock doesn't care if the plans the Gentle Reader and I is prepared or not.  So the year 2014 will arrive regardless of the state of preparation.  And I like to be prepared for the arrival of the year 2014.  But let's not put the cart in front of the horse.  Right now, it's time for the Gentle Reader and I to enjoy Christmas day.  Ah yes, Christmas day is getting closer and closer.
And as I'm lost in thought as snow melts away from the ground, here are some photos of Rachel McAdams.

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