Friday, December 20, 2013


All the snow melted as an example regarding how mild Winter is in Columbus, Ohio. The evening news has news reports about how a gigantic Winter blast is sweeping across the nation. And yet, none of this gigantic snow storm ever seems to arrive and make it's impact in the city that I'm currently live in. Call it Global Warming. Call it good luck. Call it some fluke regarding where Columbus, Ohio. Whatever the reason, Winter hardly seems to make an impact in this neck of the woods. And so without the need to shovel snow from the driveway anymore, I get to witness rain falling instead of snow. Yeah, it's cold outside. But it isn't cold enough to turn rain into snow (And I'm not sure about the science involved in making that happen anyway). Yeah, I'll need an umbrella for the weekend, but I'm cool with that.
And as I'm lost in thought as rain falls from the sky, here are some photos of the following celebrities.
Christian Bale, Jeremy Renner, Jennifer Lawrence, David O. Russell, Amy Adams and Bradley Cooper

 David O. Russell, Christian Bale, Amy Adams and Jennifer Lawrence
 Christian Bale, Amy Adams and Jennifer Lawrence
 Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Renner and Bradley Cooper
 Amy Adams

 Amy Adams and Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence

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