Saturday, January 25, 2014


January is the time to broadcast lots of award shows.  We start with the Golden Globes.  Then we continue with the Screen Actors Guild Awards.  Film and television is still symbiotic at this point.  Then we leave film and television behind to enter the world of music with the Grammy Awards.  Then it all concludes with the Academy Awards.  No television Awards.  That's left for the Emmy Awards.  The Academy Awards is film only.  Yeah, there are other award shows, but the Golden Globes, The Screen Actors Guild Awards, The Grammy Awards, The Emmy Awards and the Academy Awards are the biggest. 
And hosting the televised version of the Academy Awards always results in bad reviews.  The host of the Academy Awards televised ceremony is too safe.  The host of the Academy Awards televised ceremony is too risky.  Too Harsh.  Too friendly.  Too visible.  Not visible enough.  Nobody hosting the Academy Awards televised ceremony ever got it right.  It's no wonder that the Academy Awards televised ceremony is always hosted by a different person each and every year.  And none of the other award ceremony televised shows ever had this much trouble finding a host who can do their job without getting savaged by bad reviews by the harshest television critics reviews.  Don't forget that frequently ignored curiosity.
And as I'm lost in thought in the falling snow, here are some photos of  Ella Maria Lani Yelich-O'Connor aka Lorde.

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