Friday, January 24, 2014


The outside temperature ranges between ten degrees to zero degrees to minus zero degrees.  And it's been mostly like this for a large majority of January.  I'm not sure what the weather is going to be like for the month of February because meteorology isn't my best subject.    What I do know is that the outside weather has been persistent cold more often than not.  No snow fell today, but snow is expected to fall later tonight.  Again, meteorology isn't my best subject so I don't know how much snow is expected to fall.  I'm sure the Gentle Reader and I will be ready for whatever snow fall that plummets from the sky.  And always remember that Spring and later Summer is just around the corner.  Summer weather is something that I look forward to and someday soon the Gentle Reader and I will reach the Summer season.
And as I'm lost in thought among the falling snow, here are some photos of Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato (Trading in her blue colored hair dye for purple color hair dye).

Selena Gomez

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