Monday, January 6, 2014


The arctic temperature is expected to reach below zero tomorrow.  The weather will zoom up above zero on Wednesday and will be close to forty degrees for the rest of the week.  Yesterday only brought a thin coating of snow and nothing else to the residence of Columbus, Ohio.  I'm not sure what the Winter was like anywhere else, but Columbus, Ohio clearly was spared the worst of the extreme Winter blast.  Yeah, the arctic temperature is expected to be below zero tomorrow, but only for tomorrow.  So I'll be bundled up and ready for extreme cold to reach the citizens of Columbus, Ohio.  There was a water main break flooding Downtown Columbus between Gay Street and Fourth Street.  And with outside temperature expected to reach below zero, that flooded portion of Downtown Columbus is expected to become an outdoor ice skating rink.  So it's probably not a good idea to be anywhere nearby Downtown Columbus until the weather is warm enough to fix the underground water pipes which has ruptured at the worst possible moment.  Gosh darn the luck.
And as I'm lost in thought among the Winter snow, here are some photos of Charlize Theron.

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