Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Be careful of who you hang out with and choose your friends wisely.  The only person forcing the Gentle Reader to hang out with the wrong crowd is the Gentle Reader and nobody else.  And nobody is putting a gun to the Gentle Reader's head and telling the Gentle Reader to hang out with the wrong crowd.  Something within the Gentle Reader was compelled to hang out with the wrong crowd for a reason---Though often that reason ends up being the wrong reason.  Still, if the Gentle Reader's choice to hang out with the wrong crowd results in painful or even legal consequences, the only person the Gentle Reader has to blame is the Gentle Reader and nobody else.  It was a bad mistake that hopefully the Gentle Reader figured out before it was too late.  And if it were too late, then don't find any scapegoats to blame it on.  Face up to the mistake and hopefully there will be a chance to learn from it---Unless it's too late.  In that case, the Gentle Reader is screwed. 
And as I'm lost in thought on Wednesday afternoon, here are some photos of Denise Richards.

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