Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Well, I'm still here.  Society is still here.  Nothing fell apart into ruin while I was asleep.  It's all a matter of perspective.  If you seek out something horrible to happen to either yourself or to society, something horrible will happen to either yourself or to society.  If you seek out something wonderful to happen to either yourself or to society, then something wonderful will happen to either (Or both) yourself and/or to society.  You don't have to helplessly stand there and say, "Well somebody beyond my control is beating me up, so I have no choice but to fall apart."  People who seek out scapegoats for their inability to take control over their lives are people who have already lost the war.  I never believed in predestination.  The future is a blank page that hasn't been written on.  The years 2014 and 2015 can be the best years of your life if the Gentle Reader is ready to believe that good things are still possible to both yourself and to society. 
And as I'm lost in thought on Wednesday morning, here are some photos of Evangeline Lilly.

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