Wednesday, July 2, 2014


It's late at night.  I had scrambled eggs and sausage as dinner.  I'm tired and I'm about ready to head off to bed.  Today is done and tomorrow has only just gotten started.  Or rather, tomorrow has become today while today has become yesterday.  Yeah, I know it's confusing.  Anyway, I'm checking the e-mail and watching a few mini films on  I probably should've headed straight for bed right away.  It was raining earlier this evening, but the rain is starting to slow down a bit.  It wasn't raining before the evening, but it started raining halfway through the evening.  Still, it's always wonderful when the rain does fall. 
Vacation Getaway of the day:  Broughton Archipelago, British Columbia, Canada
And as I'm lost in thought on a warm Summer day, here are some photos of Michelle Williams.

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