Monday, December 8, 2014


The clock continues to tick forward. The clock tends to be merciless when it comes to time. The clock never goes backwards, though some of us would like to reverse previous mistakes. The clock rarely stays put, though some of us would also like for that to happen too. The clock always moves forward regardless of if your ready for it or not. And if your late for something, then the clock tends to be merciless about that too. The clock appears to be moving slowly when you're paying close attention to it. But that same exact clock always seems to be moving quickly when you're not paying attention to it. But it's all a matter of perception, because the speed of the clock never changes as it moves forward into the future---Always into the future. And as I'm lost in thought about the clocking ticking forward into the future, here are some photos of Kristine Froseth.

kristine froseth and rafferty law
kristine froseth
Amanda Norgaard and Kristine Froseth
Kristine Froseth and Amanda Norgaard
Amanda Norgaard and Kristine Froseth
Kristine Froseth
Amanda Norgaard

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