Monday, December 8, 2014


Today is trash delivery day.  And with weather as cold as today, there's no way I'll be able to mow the lawn.  And with no snow on the ground, there is no driveway to shovel.  So all household cleaning chores are entirely indoors.  With no snow, it's impossible to sled down the small hill in the grassy field behind the house next to three corporate warehouses.  I could walk up the hill and look at the world around me if I'm not too bothered by the cold.  However, such a thing is better done in the Summer when the weather is warmer.  But it's good weather to light a fire in the fireplace and get warmed up by the heat the fireplace produces.  So brew a mug of hot chocolate because it's another cozy day indoors in the early weeks of Winter.
And as I'm lost in thought on a freezing cold Monday afternoon, here are some photos of Amanda Nørgaard.

 Amanda Norgaard and a few of her friends

 Amanda Norgaard and a few of her friends

 Amanda Norgaard and a friend of hers

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