Friday, April 24, 2015


And so I have mowed the lawn.  It was still rather cold outside, but the Autumn-like frost which started off the day has done nothing to prevent the grass from growing.  And don't ask me to cook lemon meringue pie.  Though I'm confident that I'll someday have the capacity to cook a really fun to enjoy lemon meringue pie, the actual recipe to cook such a thing isn't known to me right now.  It's much easier to purchase a lemon meringue pie at the store until the ability to cook lemon meringue pie is known to me.  Though store purchased lemon meringue pie isn't the same as homemade lemon meringue pie, store purchased lemon meringue pie is just as tasty.  And after mowing the lawn, a lemon meringue pie with whipped cream and some coffee flavored ice cream on the side while listening to some jazz music is a good way to relax.
And as I'm lost in thought early in the morning and close to the afternoon with the anticipation of enjoying lemon meringue pie, here are some photos of Rooney Mara.

 Fashion designer Francisco Costa and Rooney Mara

 Rooney Mara

Rooney Mara and her older sister Kate Mara

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