Saturday, April 25, 2015


So the Gentle Reader has gone to the backyard to remove weeds such as dandelions.  The Gentle Reader rips out one dandelion, but then is distracted by Three Warehouses that exist next to the empty grassy field behind the house.  So the Gentle Reader climbs the fence and explores the Three Warehouses that exist next to the empty grassy field behind the house.  The Gentle Reader plays around with the construction equipment used to finish up the construction of one out of three of the Three Warehouses.  Security Guards chase around the Gentle Reader.  The Gentle Reader is so busy messing around with the Three Warehouses, construction equipment used to build one out of three of the Three Warehouses and dodging Security Guards, that the Gentle Reader forgets about the dandelion weeds that continues to grow.  And with weeds such as dandelions largely untouched, the one dandelion weed that was ripped out roots and all is replaced as quickly as it was established.  I'm not sure what the moral of the story was, but it sure is easy to get distracted sometimes.  And sometimes fence climbing isn't such a good idea.
And as I'm lost in thought about the failure to remove weeds from the backyard because it's so easy to get distracted by unrelated tangents, here are some photos of Nicole Richie and a few of her friends.


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