Thursday, June 25, 2015


And I saw a blade of grass when I walked towards the backyard.  There were several blades of grass in fact, but I focused on just one blade of grass.  And that blade of grass blew around in the wind.  That blade of grass knew nothing about family emergencies.  That blade of grass knew nothing about war.  That blade of grass knew nothing about famine.  That blade of grass knew nothing about disease, chaos and strife.  Nor could that blade of grass do anything about such matters nor care to make the effort.  That blade of grass just blew around in the wind.  That's it.  It just blew around in the wind as it reached to the sky and towards the sun.  And if it were possible for blades of grass to feel any emotion, then that blade of grass would be the happiest blade of grass of them all.
And as I'm lost in thought on the scorching hot Summer days in Columbus, Ohio, here are some photos of Naomi Watts.

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