Thursday, June 25, 2015


There are two different ways to drink soda pop in a restaurant.  The first way to drink soda pop in a restaurant is to use a straw.  The second way to drink soda pop in a restaurant is to drink it without a straw.  There is no difference between drinking soda pop in a restaurant with a stray and drinking soda pop in a restaurant without a straw.  However, the Waitress/Waiter took the time to produce a straw to go along with the soda pop.  Therefore, the Gentle Reader really should take the time to drink the soda pop in a restaurant with a straw.  And it's better to drink soda pop instead of drinking alcohol in a restaurant.  Because soda pop doesn't cause liver damage nor does it impair damage enough to make the alcohol consumer act like a fool and commit horrible crimes.  Not all people who drink alcohol acts like fools and commits crimes, but why tempt fate?  Drink the soda pop instead and use the straw given to you by the Waitress/Waiter.  Trust me when I say that the Gentle Reader will feel better about it in the morning.
And as I'm lost in thought about beverages, here are some photos of Reese Witherspoon.

 Reese Witherspoon and her spouse Jim Toth


 Reese Witherspoon

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