Friday, May 6, 2016


Well, I guess the lawn isn't going to mow itself.  And if some Dandelion weeds gets chopped up by the lawnmower blades, then the Dandelion weeds only has themselves to blame.  I mean, the Dandelion weeds isn't able to get up and move out of the way of the lawn mower blade.  The grass doesn't care because the grass needs a good trim.  The Dandelion weeds because the lawn mower which gives the grass a much needed trim is instrumental towards the eradication of the Dandelion weeds.  And to tell the truth, seeing that the Dandelion weeds are sitting ducks when it comes to the lawn mower blade chopping against them is kind of fun to look at.  So here I go.  I'm about to mow the lawn.  The lawn will be so much nicer looking once the lawn mower trims the grass and does away with all the Dandelion weeds.
And as I'm lost in thought during the warm days of Springtime, here are some photos of Sammi Hanratty.

Stacy Igel and Sammi Hanratty
Sammi Hanratty

Stacy Igel and Sammi Hanratty

Sammi Hanratty

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